Some properties are not perfectly level and may need retaining. Concrete pools have steel reinforced engineered walls and can act as retaining walls or out of ground structures.
A creative designer can often use the pool as a retaining wall and save the client the cost of a separate structure.
The pool wall can be extended above the surround level and provide retaining at several different levels.
The extended height on the pool wall is very strong.
The face of the above datum section can be tiled to match the pool waterline or clad with stacked stone or mosaic tiles.
This method can create diving platforms or jumping off sections to entertain the family.
Water feature blades can be added to the concrete wall to enhance the raised area.
Steps can be part of the design and enable people to easily walk around the raised area.
Limestone or brick walls located on top of the pool shell is the usual request.
The engineering problem however is the strength at the join is entirely dependent on the cement at the join.
A raised concrete platform is many times stronger and will not break at the join because the pool shell is a one piece structure.
This method allow the construction of raised spas and wading areas at different levels to the pool surround paving.
Many times I have found that using the pool as a retaining structure saves the clients a lot of money compared with a brick or limestone retaining wall beside the pool.